Busy Adults Do This for Convenient and Sensible Summer Snacking

Written by D'Anne Hotchkiss

May 22, 2024

Busy Adults Do This for Convenient and Sensible Summer Snacking 

School’s almost out and that means it’s time for sensible summer snacking. You need snacks that are easy to grab when you’re on the go, and good for you. Convenient, portable, and healthful might seem demanding, but it’s what you want come summer.

Busy adults like you know there are better options than ready-made granola or fruit bars that are highly processed and filled with sugar. Yet, you don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen smearing homemade avocado spread on crackers or whipping up batches of trail mix or protein balls.

On the other hand, snacks can get so boring. You don’t want to reach for something plain because it’s all you’ve got on hand. Summer is not the time to waste a perfect opportunity to indulge in an interesting and flavorful new snack.

What you need are savory roasted pecans. Nothing is more convenient than a snack you can grab by the handful and munch. Plus, pecans are available in multiple flavors, so you always have variety and choices.


Sensible Summer Snacking

I expect more from my snacks than just great taste and convenience. If you’re like me, you like to make every snack bite count and give your body the things it needs to thrive. Pecans include healthy fat, some fiber, a few carbs, and protein. Further, when you choose pecans, you avoid the blood sugar spikes and crashes that can leave you hangry or exhausted.

Of course, a large snack can double as a meal. If you’re running around from activity to activity, jumping from meeting to meeting, stuck at work or stuck in traffic, you need more than just a handful of pecans.

Sometimes, you need a really large snack. So, why not throw together a healthful snack pack and take it with you? Savory roasted pecans go well with most fruits. For instance, pairing berries with pecans gives you a wide variety from day to day, so you never get bored and you don’t have to compromise on convenience.

When berries aren’t available, then go for apples, pears, grapes, or melons. To wake up your tastebuds, try apple slices with Rosemary Black Pepper, or watermelon with Butter and Sea Salt, or pear slices and We’re Kickin’ It.

Dried fruits are a better choice if you want to keep them on hand at your desk or in your car. My go-to’s are dates and figs. Raisins and apricots work well also. All of these are readily available at your local grocery store or online.

When you’re in the mood for something sweet, add dried cranberries or dried cherries along with a square or two of high-quality chocolate. Satisfaction, guaranteed.

If you and your family don’t live on snacks all summer and you need to make a meal from time to time, check out our Let’s Dish recipes for some hot weather easy meal ideas.


Did You Miss Last Week’s Announcement?

In case you missed our big announcement last week, we’ve released a new flavor. It’s called Reaper and Weep, and as you can probably guess from the name, it’s made with Carolina Reaper, the second hottest pepper out there, at more than 1.6 SHUs (Scoville Heat Units). This super-hot flavor is made especially for Chili Heads. If that’s you, or you know someone who loves fiery burn-your-socks-off spicy foods, then check it out here.

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